Mona is a gorgeous young female that is not only beautiful, but has excellent working ability. She has already proven herself in tracking, obedience, and protection attaining her IGP1 title and is a youth champion in conformation.

Mona is a very sweet girl and is very social with people and other animals. Her favorite pastime is playing ball.

JCH Marocco vom Noblesshof BH, IGP3, SUDT1A CH Chacco-Blue vom Noblesshof BH, IGP3 CH Zordan vom Noblesshof BH, IGP1 IDC Sieger 2016 CH Eutay del Nasi BH, IPO1, ZTP
Balkan Siegerin CH Della Sidarta v Noblesshof IPO1, ZTPV1A
Wardruna v Noblesshof Paquito di Perlanera ZTPV1A
Narina vom Noblesshof
Goldy vom Noblesshof BH CH Tekkai von Mrdak
AIAD Winner CH Hazar di Altobello BH, ZTP
Intl CH Alexia Markischen Leo BH, IPO2
Della Sidarta vom Noblesshof CH Nanuk v Noblesshof IPO2
Olympia Maya v Noblesshof BH
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